iHunt4.com is a fun treasure hunt platform for retailers to use to provide real-time promotions to prospective customers.
Companies can sponsor an event, simply promote product lines, offer discounts in exchange for customers going to certain locations.

We also tailor for schools, parties and government tourist organizations.
Companies can use a mapping system located at ihunt4.com/admin to instantly load promotions into the app.

How do companies load promotions into the APP?
Companies can use a mapping system located at ihunt4.com/admin to instantly load promotions into the app. It is dynamic and easy to operate with only a few steps.

What is a Mega Hunt or Drop?
We help companies with their marketing campaigns depending on their needs.
Example a new product launch, or giving away overstock items, or running a festive fun program for customers.

How to buy & sell IGC using the XrpToolKit and Xumm

What size companies can use iHunt4?
We welcome all sizes and have small, medium and large companies from coffee shops, suit shops to large cosmetic brands.

What is Augmented Reality?
Augmented Reality or AR uses the camera in your phone and technology to produce an animated design or image.
Examples of AR that can be discovered in the app include Dancing Monkeys, Elephants,
Companies Logos, Tokens, Treasure Chests, Aeroplanes, AR Products.
This makes the treasure hunt experience fun and exciting as the characters are pretty funny to watch

Can I Whitelabel your product or have it in my own APP?
Yes we offer white label services to companies wishing to have a more personalised experience for their customers.

I found some IGC in iHunt4 what is it?
IGC stands for In Game Credit. IGC is am multi game token that can be used in many IGC games.
Our full games suites are available at InGameCredit.com

Is there a whitepaper for the project?
Yes there is a whitepaper in English, Spanish, Korean, Japanese and Filipino

IGC can be used for In Game Purchases and to be transferred by using the
Xumm application to various games or to friends.

What is Xumm?
XUMM is a non custodial client (wallet) for the XRP Ledger, with superpowers.
You can download from IOS and Play store.
Don’t loose the security keys because that’s where your precious IGC (In Game Credit on XRPL) will be sent.

Yes our team are believers in fast, secure everyday payments and the growth of the XRPL ecosystem.

Why did IGC select XRP ledger as the blockchain?
IGC selected XRPL due to its speed, security and low cost transaction fees

Where can you buy IGC?
IGC is available on XRPToolkit.com and the Sologenics DEX.
To purchase IGC you will need a Xumm wallet and set a trustline for IGC (From the website)
Then IGC can be exchanged for XRP on the above dex’s.

Where can you buy sell exchange IGC?
The community is releasing limited amounts to early adaptors.
There are currently three places to aquire IGC (In Game Credit on XRPL)


Setup a Xumm Wallet by downloading from the play or app store.
Activate with XRP
Setup a trustline for IGC

In Xumm click on IGC then select exchange for XRP

Login with a Xumm account and use the orderbook.
This way you can set a market limit in the orderbook.

Sologenics: IGC is also available on Sologenics by clicking this trading pair Sologenics IGC

How much is the iHunt APP?
It’s FREE! for players and business
No credit card – to start placing treasures or playing the game

For large companies we can create customised campaigns with your marketing team including
Own Augmented Reality Characters or Products
Own creative ideas implementation

Are prizes shown as virtual reality within the APP?
Yes we have all types of awesome animated treasures including ones created by players as NFT’s.

How do I claim my prizes?
For things like free coffees and meal discounts our system generates a free QR code to give to the shop owner.
For actual prizes our system sends the business a list of winners for the prizes to be sent to.
Which is via the wallet on your app.

For crypto prizes we send to your XRP address.
For prizes that contain points the APP and system will automatically add them up on your leaderboard.
So depending on the prize type we generate a QR code or we ask for your crypto wallet or address for your prize to be delivered to.

Can players place prizes too?
Yes players can place prizes too. Depending on the prize type we generate a QR code or we ask for your crypto wallet.

I am a charity how can I get involved?
We love to help and support charities. If you drop us a note we can explain how we can offer some extra free services.

What crypto is available?
We have our native crypto IGC (In Game Credit) however we also support adding your own cryptocurrency as prizes to offer to players.

Can I white label the software (My branding)?
Yes absolutely we cater for own company versions of the platform with full administration access and branding services.

Can you load the treasures for me?
Yes we have a managed services team if you would like a specific treasure hunt to be loaded for you.

Discord? Yes.
IGC Join our free discord chat
Discord Community Invite:

By NFTwows